1 Beinborn, D. Examining the Benefits of a Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator Vest – Sudden Cardiac Arrest Background and Prevention. North American Center for Continuing Medical Education 2009.
2 Toda, K. et al. Revascularization in Severe Ventricular Dysfunction (15%≤LVEF≤30%): A Comparison of Bypass Grafting and Percutaneous Intervention. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2002;74:2082-2087.
Many patients with a low EF (EF≤ 35%) are lost to follow-up during their recovery with as many as 37% not being screened for long-term Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) risk or evaluated for ICD implantation.1
Post-PCI patients with a low EF are at risk of SCA during recovery with 6% of patients experiencing VT/VF within 30 days after their procedure.2
Many factors, in addition to low EF, contribute to SCA risk and it is important to screen post-PCI patients.