39 year old Male
History of Present Illness (HPI):
- Hx of tobacco use and hyperlipidemia.
- Presented with dull pressure in center of chest with radiation to throat and left arm.
- Patient admitted to diaphoresis, nausea and vomiting.
- ECG revealed 5mm ST elevations in anterolateral leads. ST elevation myocardial infarction involving left anterior descending (LAD) suspected within past 72 hours.
- Cardiac catheterization revealed:
- Right Coronary Artery & Left Main: Normal.
- Left Anterior Descending: 100% occlusion mid portion; 60-70% stenosis in distal portion.
- Left Circumflex Artery: 30% stenosis mid-vessel; non-dominant vessel.
- Left Ventricle: Anteroapical hypokinesis.