Dostępne są poniższe programy szkoleniowe dotyczące kamizelek defibrylujących.

Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator to Prevent Sudden Cardiac Death – Remote Patient Management and Telemedicine to Optimize Outcomes
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Robert L. Salazar, MD, FACC; Douglas Horstmanshof, MD, FACC

HRS 2020: The VEST Trial As-Treated and Per-Protocol Analyses
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Byron Lee, MD, MAS, FACC

ACC 2020: Managing LV Dysfunction and SCD Risk - Optimizing Medical Therapy for HF Patients
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Georges Chahoud, MD, FACC, FAHA, FASE

The Power of As-Treated Analyses: What Have We Learned from VEST?
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Manesh R. Patel, MD; Ilan Goldenberg, MD

Remote Patient Management in Cardiology: WCD and Beyond
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Anne B. Curtis, MD, MACP; Y. Madhu Reddy, MD

ACC 2019: Heart Failure Management: Risk Stratification and Monitoring Strategies
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Kelly C. McCants, MD

Preventing SCD with a WCD: Reviewing the Results of the VEST Trial
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Sunil V. Rao, MD; Jeffrey E. Olgin, MD, FACC; Byron K. Lee MD; Anne B. Curtis, MD, MACP

EHRA 2018: Primary Prevention with the WCD: Vest Prevention of Early Sudden Death (VEST) Trial
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Dr. Jeffrey Olgin, San Francisco/USA

New Guidelines to Prevent SCD: What You Need to Know
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Sunil V. Rao, MD; Gregg Fonarow, MD; Anne B. Curtis, MD

ACC 2018: Protecting Patients at Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death: Results of the Vest Prevention of Early Sudden Death (VEST) Trial
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Dr. Jeffrey Olgin, San Francisco/USA

ESC 2017: Introduction to Symposium ‘The important role of the wearable cardioverter defibrillator for acute myocardial infarction patients’
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Prof. Dr. Holger M. Nef, Giessen/ Germany

ESC 2017: Effective risk stratification after recent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
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Dr. David Kandzari, Atlanta/ USA

ESC 2017: Screening: an efficient way to identify your patient at risk for sudden cardiac death.
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PD Dr. Christian Veltmann, Hannover/ Germany

ESC 2017: The important role of the wearable cardioverter defibrillator for acute myocardial infarction patients - Patient treatment pathways.
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Pr. Pascal Defaye, Grenoble/ France

DGK Jahrestagung 2017: Aktuelle Behandlungsstrategien für den neu diagnostizierten Herzinsuffizienz-Patienten
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PD Dr. Christian Veltmann, Hannover/ Germany

DGK Jahrestagung 2017: Wie hoch ist das Risiko für den plötzlichen Herztod nach erfolgreicher Infarktbehandlung?
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Prof. Dr. Joachim Weil, Lübeck/ Germany

DGK Jahrestagung 2017: Weitere Risikofaktoren für den plötzlichen Herztod am Beispiel der Myokarditis
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Dr. Torsten Konrad, Mainz/ Germany

DGK Jahrestagung 2017: Screening: Ein systematischer und effizienter Weg zur optimierten Patientenselektion
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Dr. Mattias Roser, Berlin/ Germany

ACC 2017: Optimizing Medical Therapy to Manage Sudden Cardiac Death Risk
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Faculty: J. Rod Gimbel, MD

JESFC 2017: Protégez-vous vos patients à risque de mort subite cardiaque ?
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Pr. Christophe Leclercq, Pr. Jacques Mansourati, Dr. Eloi Marijon, Pr. Jacques Monségu, Dr. Serge Boveda

Rethinking Risk Stratification for Nonischemic HF: What Do the Latest Data Suggest?
Faculty: John Camm, MD; Manesh Patel, MD; J. Rod Gimbel, MD

Optimizing SCD Prevention: What Do the Guidelines Suggest?
Faculty: Gregg C. Fonarow, MD; Barry H. Greenberg, MD

EuroPCR 2016: Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Management: Are You Screening And Protecting Your POST-AMI Patients?
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Faculty: Prof. Michael Haude, Prof. Holger Nef, Prof. Georg Nickenig, Prof. Jacques Monségu, Prof. Anil-Martin Sinha

Addressing Patients at High Risk for SCA: Evaluating WEARIT-II
Faculty: Niraj Varma, MD; Alon Barsheshet, MD; Valentina Kutyifa, MD

Advancing the Standard of Care: Remote Patient Management with the Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator
Faculty: Niraj Varma, MD; Barry Greenberg, MD; Craig Delaughter, MD

JESFC 2016 : Le Gilet Défibrillateur Portable : Protection des Patients contre le Risque de Mort Subite
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Faculty: Dr. Olivier Piot, Prof. Patrick Ohlmann, Prof. Didier Klug, Prof. Thomas Arentz, Prof. Christophe Leclercq

EHRA EUROPACE-CARDIOSTIM 2015: 1 in 14 Patients Require Arrhythmia Intervention: Remote Patient Management with the Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator
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Click here to view the video (Excerpt: English with German subtitles)
Faculty: Dr. Johannes Sperzel; Prof. Jean-Claude Deharo; Dr. Oliver Przibille, Dr. Jan Steffel

ESC 2015: Remote Patient Management – Protecting Patients with the Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator
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Faculty: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hindricks, Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Brunner-La Rocca, Prof. Dr. Philippe Mabo, Prof. Dr. Dierk Thomas

Practical Tools for Sudden Cardiac Arrest Screening: Taking Ownership of Your Patient’s Risk
Faculty: Paul J. Hauptman, MD; Michael J. Mirro, MD; Kirk N. Garratt, MD

Early SCD Risk Management Post-MI and Post-PCI with the Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator
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Faculty: Richard R. Heuser, MD

WEARIT II Registry: Interpreting the Results and Applying the Data into Daily Clinical Practice
Faculty: James Januzzi, Jr., MD, Ilan Goldenberg, MD, Valentina Kutyifa, MD

Remote Patient Management: Strategies to Protect the Patient After an MI
Faculty: Rahul N. Doshi, MD, James L. Januzzi, MD, Sunil V. Rao, MD, Ulrika Birgersdotter-Green, MD

Optimal Tools and Strategies to Improve Collaboration and Clinical Outcomes in the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death
Faculty: Morton Kern, MD, David E. Kandzari, MD, F. Roosevelt Gilliam III, MD

Breaking Down WEARIT-II: Evaluating Outcomes in WCD Patients
Faculty: Jagmeet P. Singh, MD, PhD; Jeanne Poole, MD; Valentina Kutyifa, MD, PhD; Ilan Goldenberg, MD

Optimizing Discharge Planing and Early Outpatient Care in Heart Failure   
Faculty: Ileana Piña, MD; Guillermo A. Reyes, MD; Robin Trupp, PhD, ACNP

DGK 2015: Der neu-diagnostizierte Herzinsuffizienz-Patient - Schutz vor plötzlichem Herztod mit dem tragbaren Kardioverter-Defibrillator 
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Faculty: Dr. Thomas M. Helms, Prof. Dr. Christian Perings, Dr. Ralf Schneider, Priv. Doz. Dr. Veltmann, Prof. Dr. Thomas Klingenheben

Cardiostim 2014: WCD Utilization in Clinical Practice - SCD Screening Strategies and Case Presentations
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Faculty: Stefan Winter, MD

ESC 2014: New Onset Heart Failure Patients are Different ̶̶ A Strategy for Managing SCD Risk During Medical Optimization
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Faculty: Prof. Dr. Frank Ruschitzka, Prof. Dr. Dierk Thomas, Prof. Dr. Werner Jung, PD Dr. Christian Veltmann

DGK 2014: Der Patient nach akuten Myokardinfarkt – Wie gehen wir mit dem temporären PHT Risiko um?
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Faculty: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Bänsch, Prof. Dr. Christian Perings, Prof. Dr. Christian Zugck, PD Dr. Carsten Israel, PD Dr. Christian Veltmann

The Newly Diagnosed Ischemic Heart Failure Patient: Evaluating and Managing SCA
Faculty: James L. Januzzi, MD; Paul J. Hauptman, MD; Linda L. Tavares, DNP

ACC 2014: You Got Them Through the PCI. Now What?
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Faculty: J. Jeffrey Marshall, MD

ESC 2013: Sudden Cardiac Death Research in Europe — The VEST Trial and WEARIT II Registry Design and Overview
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Faculty: Karl-Heinz Kuck, MD, PhD; Arthur A.M. Wilde, MD, PhD; Martin Borggrefe, MD, PhD; Ilan Goldenberg, MD

It's Elementary: The Case for SCA After PCI
Faculty: Sunil V. Rao, MD; James B. Hermiller, MD

Heart Failure: Interventions to Reduce Morbidity, Mortality and Hospitalizations – CME/CE Accredited
Faculty: Clyde W. Yancy, MD; William T. Abraham, MD; Anne B. Curtis, MD

How to Communicate the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest to Your Patient – CME/CE Accredited
Faculty: William T. Abraham, MD; David M. Mego, MD

DGK 2013: Untersuchungen zum plötzlichen Herztod in Deutschland – Die VEST Studie und das WEARIT II Register: Design und
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Faculty: Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Kuck, Prof. Dr. Michael Block, Prof. Dr. Martin Borggrefe, Prof. Dr. Helmut Klein

Addressing the Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure – CME/CE Accredited
Faculty: Scott D. Solomon, MD; Philip B. Adamson, MD; Paul Hauptman, MD

Early Risk of Mortality After Revascularization. What Do We Need To Do? CME Accredited
Faculty: Rahul N. Doshi, MD, David E. Kandzari, MD, Mina K. Chung, MD, Eric E. Roselli, MD

ACC 2013: Sudden Cardiac Death in Post-AMI Patients — Who is at risk?
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Faculty: David E. Kandzari, MD

Ischemic Heart Disease: Mitigating the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death CME-Accredited
Faculty: Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH; William S. Weintraub, MD; Roxana Mehran, MD

ESC 2012: Patients with Depressed LV Function after MI — Implant an ICD, Right? Primary Prevention Strategies to Identify and Protect High-Risk Patients
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Faculty: Christian Wolpert, MD; Michel Noutsias, MD; Reinoud Knops, MD

DGK 2012: The Wearable Defibrillator, an Important Tool in the Decision-Making Process for an ICD.
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Faculty: Prof. Helmut Klein, MD, Prof. E. Vester MD, PD S. Reek, MD, Prof. J. Winter, MD

ACC 2012: Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death after PCI
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Faculty: Sunil V. Rao, MD

Managing the Risk of Sudden Cardiac Death in Nonischemic Patients CME-Accredited
Faculty: John Chin, MD; Owen A. Obel, MD, MRCP

A Case-Based Approach to Improve Strategies to Reduce Risk for SCA Post-PCI CME-Accredited
Faculty: Ted Feldman, MD; Westby Fisher,MD; Rena Silver, APN, CNP

HRS 2011 -- Use of the WCD: Tools to Enhance Primary Prevention ICD Guideline Compliance
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Faculty: Michael J. Mirro, MD

Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Post PTCA in High-Risk Patients. CME-Accredited
Faculty: Gregg W. Stone, MD; Sunil V. Rao, MD; James B. Hermiller, MD; Alan Kadish, MD

ACC 2011 -- The Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillator: Where Does it Fit in Your Practice?
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Faculty: Ralph J. Verdino, MD